We have learned this Christmas poem in EI 5 years. I'M A LITTLE SNOWMAN
I'm a little snowman white and fat, here are my arms and here's my hat. When the winter sun, begins to shine, I slowly melt down into the ground. MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Dear families,Christmas is coming and in the English lessons we have already started learning our Christmas song! This year the EI 3 A and B are working on the WE WISH YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS SONG!!
Estimades famílies, Nadal s'atraca i a les classes d'anglès hem començat a aprendre les tradicionals Nadales. Enguany, els alumnes d'EI 3 A i B aprenen la cançó WE WISH YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS !!!
Dear families,Christmas is coming and in the English lessons we have already started learning our Christmas song! This year the EI 4 A, B and C are working on the JINGLE BELLS SONG!!For those that would like to learn the song, here there is a very helpful video...
Estimades famílies, Nadal s'atraca i a les classes d'anglès hem començat a aprendre les tradicionals Nadales. Enguany, els alumnes d'EI 4 A, B i C aprenen la cançó JINGLE BELLS!!!Pels qui volguin aprendre la cançó he trobat aquest video que us pot ajudar...
This week in English we have started learning the "Incy wincy spider" nursery rhyme. We are making puppets of the spider to act the song out. Aquesta setmana hem començat a aprendre la cançó "Inci wincy spider". També hem fet una titella de l'aranya que ens ajudarà a aprendre millor la cançó!
Next week I am going to record them and I will upload it, so that you can see what you children do in the English lesson!! La setmana pròxima farem fotos i gravarem com els fillets/es fan feina i canten.
And the lyrics are... (la lletra és...)
Incy Wincy spider climbing up the spout Down came the rain and washed the spider out Out came the sun and dried up all the rain Now Incy Wincy spider went up the spout again!
I hope that you enjoy singing at home with your children!! Esper que ho passeu bé cantant amb les vostres fills/es!!
This week in English we have started learning the "Mary had a little lamb" nursery rhyme. We are making puppets of Mary and her little lamb to act the song out. Aquesta setmana hem començat a aprendre la cançó "Mary had a little lamb". També hem fet una titella de na Mery i es seu benet que ens ajudarà a aprendre millor la cançó!
Next week I am going to record them and I will upload it, so that you can see what you children do in the English lesson!! La setmana pròxima farem fotos i gravarem com els fillets/es fan feina i canten.
And the lyrics are.... (la lletra)
Mary had a little lamb, Little lamb, little lamb, Mary had a little lamb, Its fleece was white as snow
Everywhere that Mary went, Mary went, Mary went, Everywhere that Mary went The lamb was sure to go.
I hope that you like the song and practice it at home!! Esper que us agradi la cançó i la canteu amb els vostres fills/es!!
In Infant Education routines are very important to help students understand what's going on. Specially in the English lessons!!!
A Educació Infantil, i a anglès especialment, les rutines són molt important per ajudar als alumnes a entendre el que esteim fent. That's why we always start the lessons following the same routines:
In English the 3 and 4 years old students sing the London Bridge song while changing from their classrooms to the English classroom. La cançó de London Bridge la cantem per anar a l'aula d'anglès!
London Bridge is falling down, Falling down, Falling down.
London Bridge is falling down,
My fair lady.
I clap and say good morning,
Good morning, good morning.
I clap and say good morning,
How are you today?
I nod and say good morning,
Good morning, good morning.
I nod and say good morning,
How are you today?
I jump and say good morning,
Good morning, good morning.
I jump and say good morning,
How are you today?
Are you happy
or sad?
What's the weather, what's the weather, what's the weather like today?
Tell me, tell me, what's the weather, what's the weather like today?